Career-related website

Hi everyone, today I´m going to talk about the website:

In this page we can found different scientific articles, which are very useful for the works of university. I found this site when I was looking for bibliographic references for a extended work of "Crecimiento y desarrollo de árboles (CYDA)". In this moment I discovered that has an option for cite in APA format, and I didn´t know how to do that. Other thing I like of this site is I can be filtered for country, languages, types of scientific articles and others options, which is so useful for seek specific information. What´s more have links of the bibliographic references of the article that is being read, this is very interesting because I can check the others articles and have a better base of information for the works.

For this and other reasons I recommend use Scielo for do the different work of this career, this gets better if one uses the base of dates of CONAF and INFOR, which are usually a good complement to have detailed information.


  1. without a doubt it is a page that we constantly visit hahaha, greetings


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