My auto biography

Gonzalo Ferrer Bravo was born in Santiago, Chile. He was born in 17th of January of 1998. He studied in John Dewey school.
In 2016 he started him career of Universidad de Chile in Santiago, where he study forestry engineer, currently he´s studying her 6th semester.

Gonzalo lives in La reina. He has a 3 brothers, their names are Andres, Francisco and Nicolás  and obviously one mom and dad. Currently lives with 2 of him brothers and him mom. He´s very talkative. He loves ride a bike, play with the diabolo, hesitate and currently practice Kendo.

He´s work in the traffic light at a juggler and seller of peanut. In the free time he read biodiversity books, spend time organizing orchard or do homeworks.


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