
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2021

"Ecología de ambientes fluviales"

Hi everyone today I´m going to talk about the subject of "Ecología de ambientes fluviales". This subject consists on the analyze the riparian ecosystem, which correspond to all aquatic ecosystem that not belongs to marine ecosystem. Therefore the river, lakes and other water bodies are the focus of study. The understanding of structure of water bodies, the local wildlife, the chemistry of the ecosystem and interaction of all this components it´s the main thing of this subject. In the class only the content is exposed, but all weeks send homework about the class, also in the final of semester must be presenter a scientific poster and finally it´s necessary to do the first and unique test. I like this subject because I learn with other methodology, the content is so interesting, due it is not something that addressed in career. And the ultimate reason and must important the knowledge that is generated is complementary with other subjects of the career, allowing a more com

Career-related website

Hi everyone, today I´m going to talk about the website: https://www.scielo.cl/ In this page we can found different scientific articles, which are very useful for the works of university. I found this site when I was looking for bibliographic references for a extended work of "Crecimiento y desarrollo de árboles (CYDA)". In this moment I discovered that has an option for cite in APA format, and I didn´t know how to do that. Other thing I like of this site is I can be filtered for country, languages, types of scientific articles and others options, which is so useful for seek specific information. What´s more have links of the bibliographic references of the article that is being read, this is very interesting because I can check the others articles and have a better base of information for the works . For this and other reasons I recommend use Scielo for do the different work of this career, this gets better if one uses the base of dates of CONAF and INFOR, which are usual

Gunnera tinctoria in the national park Corcovado

Hi everyone today I´m going to talk about of this picture. This photography I take that in the national park Corcovado, in this travel companies me two friends, Juanjo and Gass. We were traveling in the Patagonia of Chile in the austral road, where we passed in Chaiten we decided to go to Ventisquero Yelcho in the national park Corcovado. In the next day in the morning we arrived at the entrance, later of one hour we can see the glacier, we stayed in the river of the surroundins and take pictures to the flora. In this moment I see this Nalca ( Gunnera tinctoria ) and decide to take this picture with the Yelcho behind.   I like this picture because I achieved an effect with the focus and unfocus, other reason is because I could apply somethings that I learned for the photography, which taught me my friend Cata  and this knowledge I used it to portray the nature. Thank you for read me.