
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

My favourite tree or plant

Today i go to write about to my favourite tree. This is a hard question because I have so much trees that I liked, but after of a large reflexion I decided to write about Ñirre. My favourite tree is Ñirre or  Nothofagus antarctica , because the Ñirre is a tree that reminds me a travel to the Cordillera de Nahuelbuta with my friend Benjamin. The distribution of this tree is since Maule Region until Tierra del fuego. In the Ñuble Region it is located above 1800 m.s.n.m. The state of conservarion of this tree is non extinct. This tree is a deciduous species, with a small leaves with jagged edges and lobed. The fisic aspect of this tree frecuently is stubby, specially in conditions of snow. But in the south of Puerto Montt, is common a found this tree with 15 metters of high. The Ñirre dwell in diferents forestal types, for example: F.t. Araucaria, f.t. RORACO, f.t. Lenga, f.t. coigüe de magallanes, etc.

National park Conguillio

The national park Conguillio it is located in the IX region of Chile, in the province of Malleco, in the commune of Curacautin and Lonquimay to the east of Temuco, in the cordillera de los Andes. I so interasted to visit this place because have a poblation of araucaria araucana so abundant in number of trees. And i have heard that is so beautiful this place, with a geological phenomenons, landscapes and biodiversity fascinating. I have head of this site with friends and in differents scientific texts. I don't know that is a good site of live, because is very far of the city and my family, but i don't reject this idea. I'm interasted of visit this place with a some friend or I can go alone, I don't have so poblems for travel without company, because I have tolerant of the loneliness.